Acupuncture în Shoreham by Sea
Acupuncture dates back 2000 years, but is still being developed today due to its efficacy in treating many health issues. The use of fine sterile needles placed at specific points promotes the bodys' own healing methods. It is one of the safest complimentary medicines and can be used alone or with conventional medicine.
The British Acupuncture Council, which Suzette is a member of have provided a well written leaflet on all aspects of Acupuncture, its history and what to expect in a treatment, please click on the PDF link to read. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Below is a short video which shows a treatment for pain relief using Dr Tan's Balance method. This was taken a while ago, so not at our current location.
Acupuncture Video .mov
Want to read some research?
Acupuncture has been well researched for its safety and effectiveness. NICE recognising its benefit in pain relief for chronic conditions over drugs.